About Us

Building Trust Through Excellence

Axiom World is a boutique consulting firm, having offices in Saudi Arabia, UAE and Bahrain, specializing in providing Risk Assurance and Management consultancy services to our clients. We listen, understand and evaluate your objectives and provide the appropriate solution that fits your requirements. No two clients are same, so we work closely with you in order to achieve your specific needs. Axiom World combine innovative and strategic approach to achieve your objectives, typically offered by Big 4, at reasonable cost.

The strength and reliability of Axiom World lies within the experience behind our qualified, experienced and skilled professional team. Majority of our staff are Ex-Big 4 experienced in financial and other sectors for risk assurance and management consultancy services. We strongly believe in our teamwork to achieve our goals which in turn are your goals.

Our Vision

Be a Leading Trusted Advisor that brings value, quality, focus and passion in every thing we do.

Our Mission

Provide Exceptional services to exceed our client expectations, through dedicated and experienced professionals and enhancing our client’s experience.

Our Values

  • Understand, Evaluate and Exceed Client Experience and Expectations.
  • Dedication and Passion to achieve Excellence
  • Reliability, Integrity and Transparency.

Building Trust and Grow Organically

We adore quality in what we do and understand the client expects no less from us. We aim to provide services which are not just norm but to excel in how we perform and deliver value to our clients. These traits develop trust with our clients which assist us to grow organically with our clients and perform better and better in future engagements.

Dedication and Passion to achieve Excellence

We understand that we provide limited services to our clients, but we ensure that our clients are satisfied with our deliverables. We are passionate about achieving our clients’ objectives and ensuring that we dedicate time and effort to ensure its achievement in the most efficient and effective manner possible.

Understand, Evaluate and Exceed Client Experience and Expectations.

We believe that each client has specific needs. Our priority is to understand your requirements and to ensure that we provide the right solution to you. Our aim is to tailor the engagement, to ensure that our clients do not receive just a homogenous service, but rather, exactly what they need. Our target is always to ensure the objectives are not only met within defined timeframe but also enhance client experience and exceed its expectations.

Reliability, Integrity and Transparency

We perform our projects with reliability, integrity and objectivity and ensure that whatever we deliver is of the highest quality. We keep our dealings transparent; we accept our mistakes and take every effort to make sure nothing hinders in achieving our and in turn your objectives.

Why Axiom World


The team selected at Axiom World has diversified experience from Big 4 firms, focused on key client problems, risks and associated solutions. Our delivery model ensures that our clients get quality service, efficiently and effectively, and at the right costs.


When we work with you, we are focused to provide you with the best services. We are committed to your objectives and to achieve them efficiently and effectively. We are focused on adding value, providing innovative ideas and enhancing your service experience.


We bring a pragmatic and structured approach to the engagement with you. Based on developing trends, agility, ideas and innovation in the industry, with digitalization as a top priority in various sectors, we strive to provide the best solution to you.


We strongly believe that a happy client is the best advertisement, and we strive to achieve that by providing quality services to exceed your expectations. Providing quality services within agreed timeframe is only achievable when we know what we are doing.